Rapid-fire Q&A with Sarah

Let's not be strangers any longer! I want you to get to know a little bit about me as we're going to be discussing intimate details of your anatomy together that you've probably never spoken about with anyone else! 

So here's a little bit about me, my family and some answers to questions about being a midwife that I'm always asked!

My name is… Sarah Tooke.

At home I have… a house full of boys! Husband Matt and two boys Angus and Hugo.

My life in three words… Busy (probably more crazy!), fun, loving.

The best thing about where I live is… Dural in northern Sydney is semi-rural but still only 40mins from the city. It has become ‘foodie’ heaven with lots of local fresh produce available and places to eat out. It also has a friendly village community feel.

When I’m not working you’ll find me… Spending time with my kids and family relaxing by the pool with some good food and wine very close by!

My favourite food… I have a weakness for savoury – cheeses, dips, pate. An antipasto plate is one of my favourites. That and a good prawn pasta! 

Beverage of choice… Cappuccino is my coffee of choice. Gin and Tonic or Pinot Grigio is my beverage of choice at socially acceptable times! 

The person I most admire is…. I can’t narrow it down to one person – I have so many mentors and inspirational people in my life, but I have an even greater new found respect for my own Mum since giving birth and now parenting my own children.

What I love most about my role as an educator is… Being able to meet and build a relationship with new people. I love sharing my knowledge and I’m passionate about providing high quality, non-biased evidence-based education. I believe that good quality, solid education will allow people to be present and make decisions with their caregivers to have a positive birth experience regardless of how the baby comes out. I also love supporting support people and giving them the confidence they need to be an active part of this journey!

If I had to describe my own birth experiences in 3 words… Sorry, I can’t narrow it down to 3… intense, empowering, instinctive, incredible.

The one thing I wish I’d known before my first pregnancy was… hang on for the ride! Its amazing and challenging and life changing!

The 3 essential things you need to take with you into labour are…your support person, an open mind, a heat pack.

The craziest thing I’ve seen as a midwife… Oh where to begin! With almost 15 years as a registered nurse and 13 years a midwife, I’ve seen a lot in my time! I have been lucky enough to witness an En-caul birth where they baby is born with the sac/membranes around the baby intact (about 1:80,000 births). I’ve also delivered a baby in the lift of the hospital on Christmas day one year with a flashing Santa hat on my head – of course the lift stopped at every level!

The question most people have but are too embarrassed to ask… Will I do a poo when I push out my baby?

A favourite quote… “Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making Mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength” – Barbara Katz Rothman

If you had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes you feel… in awe, privileged, grateful and blessed (and sometimes a little clucky!)

So that's it! I look forward to getting to know you over the next little while and hopefully meet you (virtually) in one of my online antenatal classes.


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